Pause Impact by Besan Abu-Joudeh

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How to be authentic online

We spend more time online than ever before.

We are more connected than ever before.

We are also more lonely than ever before.

I’ve spent a lot of time these days thinking about the world that we’ve created. The world that my daughter will be living in.

Technology has taken to a place of no return. And it is not natural.

We need a few more generation to see how we will evolve as a result.

We already know that loneliness is a killer.

Yet, tech companies are using the latest research is human behavior and neuroscience to keep you engaged.

To keep you hooked.


So the question I have been asking myself is, how can I be happy online?

Here is what I have so far:

  1. Don’t touch the phone for 1 hour after waking up— every tradition places precious value on the early morning hours. Yet, so many of us open our eyes to just turn to our phones. Tossing out the opportunity for the magic in those morning hours.

  2. Be authentic and listen to your body— how do you know when you are yourself? how does that feel in your body? where can you be most authentic? where do you feel most safe? For me, that means always to start writing on my blog, where I can write without fear of judgement.

  3. Remove anything that doesn’t bring you joy — remembering why you are here is so important. why are you online? what really matters to you? trust me, a few more likes or comments isn’t the right answer— lately, what matters most to me is being the most authentic version of myself and experiencing “this being human”

I am committed to feeling light and living in high vibration. The place that has been most challenging to be that is online. Because let’s be honest, it’s a vulnerable, unnatural place to be.

So these are the reminders to myself first for when it gets hard. Or when I don’t feel authentic. Because I am just a part of a larger human experiment that is learning to live life online.