Pause Impact by Besan Abu-Joudeh

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Learning how to breathe

I remember spending hours in high school learning how to prove the Pythagorus theorem. And I remember the thrill of getting it right on an exam. But I don’t remember ever using it since then.

What I do wish we had spent more time on in school was learning how to breath.

What didn’t anyone teach me how to breathe??

I guess we are always breathing.

But we might not breathing the right way… or the best way…

Breathing well can be the difference between anxiety and calm.

The difference between good posture and bad posture.

The difference between energy and fatigue.

So until learning to breathe becomes part of the curriculum in school, here are three easy tips to help you breathe better.

  1. Pause and notice your breath. Don’t try to change it. Just notice it… is it shallow or deep? How does it feel? Notice it entering your body. And notice it as it leaves.

  2. Count ten breaths. Breathe in…one…breath out…two….breath in…. three… breathe out…. four…. you get the point. All the way to ten. That’s one minute of breathing with awareness. You can do this anytime, any where. No fancy app needed!

  3. Experiment with different breathing patterns. There are countless ways to change your breath so that you can feel differently in your body (just google “breath work”). There is a way to breathe if you want more energy….a way to breath if you want a reset…a way to breath if you want more calm. The thing is, your body knows what it needs. So try listening to it, and see how your breathing naturally shifts. Your body is brilliant. It just needs your awareness.

Our breath is something we absolutely cannot live without. It’s time we make it a priority and start to give it the awareness it deserves. And we can start exactly in this moment.

Leave a comment below with what you notice when you bring awareness to your breath.