Purpose isn’t what we do

When was the last time you asked yourself: “what is my purpose?”

Chances are you spent a few moments with the question, then brushed it aside with a shrug.

Or you’ve spent pages and pages journaling on this over the years. And try to find a way to explain why you’re doing what you’re doing in life with your purpose.

But the thing is, purpose isn’t about what we do in life.

Anything we “do” exists only in the moment. Doing over time builds something that is temporary.

To tie our purpose to doing would be foolish.

Energetically, we all have “doing” and “being” energy.

The balance of being and doing is how we move through life.

Our purpose is the gift of life.

The Disney movie Soul does a brilliant job of debunking the modern day concept of “purpose”.

A better way to understand purpose is through existential questions like: “who am I?” and “why am I here?”

Life is incredibly rich. And we are incredibly fortunate to be experiencing “this being human.”

Connecting with your purpose can be the difference between dragging your feet through the day and finding joy and gratitude in the most mundane moments.

I remember confessing to a dear friend that there were days that I couldn’t find a reason to get our of bed in the morning. I expected her to show alarm and tell me that I needed to speak to a therapist immediately (which I had already done).

Instead, she shocked me by replying calmly, “it’s completely normal for you to ask what your purpose is. It’s important that we continue to reconnect with our purpose at different stages of life.”

Her calm response shocked me.

And it taught me so much.

We can be sad or lost without having a mental health crisis.

Our soul will call out for help in different ways.

Especially when we’ve lost touch with our purpose.


The state of our world. And the mental health crisis.


Learning how to breathe