Our reason for doing

In my earlier post, I talked about how purpose isn’t what we do. Yet, we all know the importance of doing. Have you ever taken a much needed vacation where you swore you would do nothing, but found yourself bored by day three?

We have “being” and “doing” energy and its important that these two energies stay balanced.

We live in a capitalist world that has an over emphasis on doing..

I’d like to invite you to pause for a moment and think of a time when you had too much doing, and not enough being. Write it down. What did it feel like in your body? How did you see the world?

Now, think of a time where you had too much being, and not enough doing. What did this feel like in your body?

Finally, think of a time when you had a balance of doing and being. What did this feel like in your body? How was your life different?

Growing up, my parents sometimes called me lazy. It was an insult. As I got older, I became an over-achiever who is constantly striving. But I am frequently depleted. And my biggest struggle at the moment is learning to truly rest.

The “rest is resistance” mantra from The Nap Ministry is so powerful. What would our world look like if we prioritized rest in its truest form?

Some people might fear that everyone would become lazy and unproductive members of society. Others might fear boredom and lack of innovation. Fear. That is the emotion that comes up when we think of a world that is truly rested.

And yet, nature knows to rest. Each year we experience the darkness of winter and vibrancy of summer. There is nothing natural about about a constant rate of productivity.

I frequently say that I don’t want me daughter to worry about grades. Though sometimes I fear that I may be overcorrecting. After all, my years of hard work and relentless drive got me to where I am today.

Will she resent that I didn’t push her harder?

The thing is, I don’t believe anything is worth the harm we cause to ourselves when we tie our value to doing. Yes, we need to do…but the world has an overemphasis on doing, so I want to teach her to be.

Doing that comes from a place of being is my goal.

The actions will likely be exactly the same. But when we do from a place of balance with our being, the love shines through and we do not harm ourselves in the process.

Our reason for doing makes all the difference.


TL;DR your purpose is to be human


An Islamic perspective on why we are here.