Pause Impact by Besan Abu-Joudeh

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Who is allowed to have a voice?

The internet is a strange place.

I have spent the past year stepping into this new role of a “life coach”

Titles are strange. Especially titles that we give ourselves.

If I had to endure 5-7 years in a PhD program where I meet certain criteria and eventually graduate, I will happily allow someone to call me “doctor”

But the journey to becoming a life coach was not so clear.

After all, what does it even mean to be a life coach?

Some will raise their eyebrows with concern at an “unregulated” profession

That part doesn’t bother me…I think that “regulations” are overrated because very rarely do we question the person who is doing the regulating.

But what I have struggled with is: who gave me permission to do this work?

I’ve worked with tens of clients over the past 2 years and seen incredible results. I’ve shared tears my clients. I’ve celebrated with my clients. I know the work has been sacred.

And yet, I am still waiting for someone to give me permission to put myself out there as a coach.

For someone to tell me that I got an A+

The conditioning is real. We have been conditioned since birth to win in the context of the system.

But at the age of 33 I am more certain than ever that the system is a farce.

And that is a strangely empowering thought for me claim my own voice and scream from the rooftops: WHY DOES LIFE FEEL SO HEAVY? I WANT TO FEEL LIGHTER! WE ALL DESERVE TO FEEL LIGHTER.